Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My babysitter is a vampire Episodes with Comentary

Episode 1-Lawn Of The Dead

Benny wants to impress a girl named Della. When he finds out that her dog Puffles died, he decides to win her over by bringing Puffles back to life. He steals a potion from his grandmother's cupboard to resurrect Puffles. Shortly after Benny uses the potion, things start to go horribly wrong, as one can expect when meddling with the dead. Not only has the revival of Puffles made him completely evil, but Benny poured too many drops of the potion into the ground, causing it to spread and unleash other animals from the grave. Benny's grandma explains that the animals' souls have moved on; that's why they are demon animals. The animals terrorize Whitechapel, causing chaos. When Ethan's father has a dinner party, demon animals arrive all around the house and Sarah, Benny and Ethan must kill them all before Ethan's parents catch them. 

Episode 2-Three Cheers for Evil

When Ethan has a nasty vision where Erica has captured the souls of the students, he and Benny disguise themselves as cheerleaders "Betty" and "Veronica" to protect the souls of the student body. Erica goes out for the head cheerleader, Stephanie's blood (Stephanie had harassed Erica as a human) but Stephanie overpowers her and puts a worship spell on both Erica and Sarah. She teaches a new routine for the pep rally. When Benny and Ethan look up the routine's chant in Benny's spellbook, they find out that Stephanie is a witch and the routine is actually a spell that will help Stephanie maintain her immortality. She is the one who captures the souls, not Erica, as Ethan had thought. On the day of the pep rally, Ethan and Benny try reciting the alter-spell but this has no effect. They then change the shape of the circle, snapping all the cheerleaders out of Stephanie's spell, returning the students' souls, and unmasking Stephanie's real age. Benny's grandma removes Stephanie's powers and a now-aged Stephanie ends up as a lunch lady.

Episode 3-Blood Drive

Whitechapel High hosts a blood drive and Erica comes in as an intern, planning to take the donated blood for herself. After she finds out that the nurses have a truck full of blood, she recruits Rory to sneak into the truck and steal the blood. Ethan and Benny, suspcious of Erica and Rory's motives, plant a GPS inside Rory's backpack to monitor him. When Ethan goes to donate blood, he has a vision and realizes the nurses are vampires. Erica and Rory get caught by the vampire nurses and are trapped inside the truck. Ethan, Benny and Sarah confront the vampire nurses. The nurses threaten to take Rory and Erica to the vampire council for stealing food from their own kind. Ethan and Sarah battle the nurses when one of the nurses smells Ethan's blood and tells him that his blood is H-deficient: rare and one-in-a-million. Ethan then proposes a trade; he will give a pint of his blood to the nurses if they free Rory and Erica. The trade is accepted and Erica and Rory are released.

Episode 4-Guys and Dolls

Jane steals Benny's spellbook after her doll, Debby Dazzle, becomes broken. She attempts to use a spell to fix Debby, but Debby becomes human instead. Ethan, Benny and Sarah realize she is dangerous when Ethan has a vision, telling him that Debby sucks life energy from humans in order to maintain her human form. Benny and Ethan lock Debby in Ethan's room, but when Ethan's parents get home, Debby sucks their entire life energy, turning them both into dolls, much to Ethan's horror. Rory gains a crush on Debby and sets her free. The next day, Ethan and Sarah look for Debby while Benny tries to find the spell to turn Debby back into a doll. Rory has brought Debby to Whitechapel High, where the principal becomes Debby's victim and is turned into a doll. Erica and Debby get in a fight and Debby's skin tears. Debby then turns Erica into a doll and Rory leaves her after seeing her ripped face. Debby searches for Jane, believing Jane can fix her. At home, Sarah tells Jane to hide so Debby won't be able to find her. Sarah struggles to hold Debby off but she is turned into a doll too. Ethan dresses up as Debby's counterpart to distract her and just as Debby starts choking Ethan, Jane recites the reverse spell, finally turning Debby back into a doll.

Episode 5-Double Negative

The yearbook team is coming up with ideas for this year's yearbook photos and decide to use an old camera that Benny sold them. Unbeknownst to Benny, Ethan and the yearbook team, the camera is bewitched; it creates an evil clone of whoever's photo is taken with it. The yearbook captain, Hannah, takes a photo with the camera, bringing out her evil clone, who goes around being heartlessly mean to students, especially Ethan. When her evil clone grabs Ethan's hair, he has a vision and realizes what happened. Benny takes a photo of himself with the camera to get revenge from Hannah for rejecting his and Ethan's yearbook ideas. Benny's evil clone is then created from the photo. Once Ethan and Benny realize that Benny has an evil twin, they turn to Benny's grandma for help. She explains that the camera brings out the negative side of one's soul and once the photo is developed, that negative side becomes a separate person: their twin. To destroy these clones, they must destroy the negatives. Benny and Ethan race to stop the evil Hannah from using the camera to take the class photo. Ethan manages to destroy all the negatives and Benny wrestles with his evil clone in the bathroom, destroying him just in time. All the clones that were created from the camera vanish.

Episode 6-Friday Night Frights
Whitechapel High hasn't won a sports trophy in 30 years. The ghost of Coach Ed, Whitechapel High's deceased former gym coach, returns, thinking it's finally time to win one. The tough-as-nails specter has a deal for Ethan: win the wrestling competition, or be haunted forever. Ethan, being the only one who can see Coach Ed, knows he has no hope of success, but when he sees Sarah watching rival wrestler Kurt "The Hurt" Lochner, he decides to take it to the mat and hope his bones survive. Ethan wins the match by tickling Kurt and Sarah clears his accusation, telling him she was watching Kurt to check if he had been turned into a vampire. Despite Ethan winning the trophy, Coach Ed calls off the deal, claiming that Ethan won unfairly and he shall haunt Ethan forever. Just then, all the spirits of the nerds he tormented arrive and suck him into the underworld, destroying Coach Ed forever.

Episode 7-Smells Like Trouble

When Ethan has trouble trying to ask Sarah on a date, Benny makes a love potion that affects both Erica and Sarah. Erica and Sarah are suddenly in love with Benny and Ethan respectively, much to their shock. However, when Benny accidentally drops the potion, the potion's scent wafts into the air vents, affecting every girl in school. Benny and Ethan become extremely popular as all the girls in school are in love with them. Benny's grandmother finds out about the love potion and explains that because of nature's balance, all the girls who had loved them will hate them even more. As per her word, the girls who had previously been in love with Ethan and Benny, arrive with weapons, crazed to kill them. Ethan and Benny lock themselves in the "Eternity Cage", a prop Ethan ordered from a movie, to keep themselves safe. They attempt to wait it out until the potion wears off and end up spending the night in the cage. In the morning, Sarah and Erica arrive, released of the potion's effects, but now extremely mad at Ethan and Benny. Thus, Ethan and Benny are punished by Benny's grandmother.

Episode 8-Die Pod

Whitechapel's oldest tree has been cut down, and the tree takes its revenge by growing weeds into the school's computer system. When Sarah's laptop is overcome with a virus, she gives it to Ethan to fix. Benny attempts to sweet-talk a girl listening to her iPod, but she seemingly ignores him. When Ethan finds disgusting plant matter sizzling inside Sarah's laptop, he and Benny investigate and soon discover the truth. The tree had been the site of dryad rituals and has its own spirit. They find the girl Benny had tried to sweet-talk unconscious and overcome by weeds in the school's computer lab and contact Sarah for help. Meanwhile, Rory discovers he and Erica like the same band, and tries to use a hard-to-find music video he's downloading in the computer lab as bait to get her to like him. When he goes to the lab to take the CD, he is possessed by the tree, and Ethan, Benny, and Sarah must stop the tree without hurting Rory. As they fight the tree, Ethan has an idea: to hack all the computers in the lab with a virus. He acts upon his idea and all the computers shut down. The tree is destroyed and Rory is released from its possession.

Episode 9-Blue Moon

The school's hairiest jock, David, declares himself as Ethan and Benny's best friend, much to Benny's delight. Ethan suspects David is awerewolf and while trying to prove this fact, he is accidentally hit with a misfired werewolf spell from Benny. Ethan also has a vision of David trying to find a cure for himself during the full moon, which confirms Ethan's suspicion. However, when Sarah finds out about this cure, she hopes she can use it for herself to become human again. Ethan confronts David and David admits that he only became friends with him because he knew Ethan is a Seer and he wanted to find the cure. On the night of the full moon, Benny's misfired spell makes Ethan start transforming into a werewolf. The words from the symbol on the cure bottle in Ethan's vision translate to a stone circle. Sarah goes to the stone circle and finds the cure, a drinking potion. She ends up using it all on a werewolf trying to kill Benny in Ethan's house, whom she thinks is David. However, when the werewolf is cured, it turns out to be Ethan himself. David isn't a werewolf; he just transforms into a shaggy dog under the full moon.

Episode 10-Doug the Vampire Hunter
Ethan, Benny and Rory win a chance to help Doug Falconhawk (portrayed by Thomas Mitchell), a paranormal investigator, with an episode of his TV show "The Scare Finder". Ethan tries to keep Sarah and Rory away from Doug so he doesn't suspect that they are vampires and sets Rory off to do missions for Doug to keep him away. Meanwhile, Sarah is trying to fend off her crave for human blood by drinking a blood substitute made by Benny's grandmother. Since the fake blood tastes disgusting, Sarah goes to Ethan's house and asks him if Benny's grandma can make another substitute that tastes better but Doug overhears. Ethan frantically tries to tell Sarah that Doug might hear her, but she just hisses at Doug, explaining that he is just a poser and she isn't worried. When Doug's special camera detects Sarah as a vampire, Doug tries to hunt her down. Sarah, now worried for her life, flees. Ethan and Benny create a plan to show Doug that Sarah being a vampire was all a hoax by pretending to be supernatural creatures themselves and staging a fight, wearing costumes. Doug then leaves with his show cancelled, revealing that his last name is not Falconhawk and his awesome hair is just a wig, leaving Benny and Ethan crushed. They later turn on the TV to see Doug introducing his new prank show in replacement of his cancelled one.

Episode 11-The Brewed 

A delivery error causes a coffee called "Lotta Latte" to turn its drinkers into zombies. The principal of Whitechapel High has a whole case delivered for the teachers to celebrate "100 Days Until Summer Vacation" and all the teachers turn into zombies. Ethan and Benny warn the students via the PA system but then become trapped in a classroom. Ethan discovers that the zombies are repelled by the fire extinguisher and attempts to hold them off until Sarah returns from a field trip. Upon return, the 3 of them split up to find a cure. Sarah races to Ethan's house to get a microscope part he needs and discovers that Ethan's mom drank the coffee and has become a zombie. Ethan and Benny attempt to get a sample of the coffee from the teachers' lounge. Benny is bitten but remains normal long enough to escape to the chemistry lab with Ethan. After inspecting the coffee's molecules, Ethan determines that the zombies are averse to cold temperatures like that of the fire extinguisher's foam substance. They decide to blast the air conditioning to subdue the zombies. Sarah hurries to the room where the heating/AC controls are but while she tries to find the right switch for the A/C, she is attacked by the zombified Rory, who had been in the teachers' lounge. Ethan is trapped in the chemistry lab with the zombified adults and zombified Benny and tries to avoid getting bitten. Sarah fights off Rory, slamming him against the A/C switch. The A/C turns on and the zombies turn back to normal.

Episode 12- Three Geeks and a Demon

Sarah is to babysit Ethan, Benny and Jane while Ethan's parents and Benny's grandma chaperone at a Senior Citizens dance. Rory lands in Ethan's house, accidentally ruining the cable and leaving the 5 of them bored. They search the basement for board games and find one that allows its players to talk to spirits. Sarah decides not to play and goes upstairs with Jane. Ethan reads the rules of the game, three of which are never to play alone, never to ask if anyone's out there for that can conjure up evil spirits and never take your hands off the board before dismissing the spirit. Ethan, Benny and Rory talk to a friendly spirit, asking her questions. After they dismiss the spirit and leave, Rory plays alone, breaking the number one rule of the game. Rory then asks if anyone is out there, breaking rule number two. Ethan and Benny come back to the room to see the evil spirit wrecking the room. Ethan, Benny and Rory put their hands on the board. The demon spirit tricks them into taking their hands off the board, breaking another rule. The demon is released from the game and wreaks havoc. Despite their efforts, the demon escapes and takes over Sarah's body. Sarah trashes Ethan's house, locks Jane in the closet and invades his computer, the boys unable to stop her. Benny gets his dad's leaf blower and the boys dig up the Cubile Animus. They attach it to the leaf blower and go to Ethan's room. They successfully suck the demon out of Sarah and she is freed, just before Ethan's parents come home. However, all is not well when, unknown to the boys, a hand pokes out from the spot where they dug up the Cubile Animus, implying that Jesse has awakened from his grave.

Episode 13-Re-Vamped

Jesse is awakened from the dead and returns from the grave to get Sarah back but she refuses. Ethan and Benny prepare to destroy Jesse again. On the night of their high school dance, they arm themselves with weapons and try to fight off Jesse but Jesse bites Ethan.Then Jesse runs away. Sarah has a choice: save Ethan (which will in turn her into a full vampire) or let him become a fledgling. Sarah saves Ethan by sucking the venom out of his blood. Back at home, Benny's grandmother tells an injured and resting Ethan that he is still fully human. Ethan however feels terrible about what Sarah had to do--now she has no hope of ever becoming human again. Outside, Erica lets Sarah know that they are now best friends forever (literally) and that she will always be there for Sarah. Sarah seemingly accepts what she is and she, Erica and Rory fly away to their after-party.

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